Nowt says it quite like the classic half-dozen red roses! Forget fancy filters, these beauties are the real deal. Six rich red, long-stemmed Naomi love-bombs, velvety soft like a puppy's ears, handmade with love and nestled in some leafy goodness. Bam! Instant romance hero. You're welcome! …Don't mess with the classics!
Same day delivery or Click & Collect is available when ordered before 1pm Monday to Friday and before 12.30pm on Saturdays. These order cut-off times may be earlier during peak periods, such as the run-up to Valentine’s Day. Our same-day service may also be temporarily withdrawn during peak periods. We encourage you to order in advance where possible to avoid disappointment. If you are ordering for same-day delivery or Click & Collect, please be aware that substitutions may be necessary to fulfil your order promptly.
Your gift won’t look exactly like the one pictured, but it will be just as stunning!
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